Community and Connection

Hello Friends,

As many of you know, a couple of years ago I made the decision to embark on a journey to become a teacher of my craft. With the love and support of my family, I enrolled in a 10-month program at the acclaimed Body Therapy Institute in North Carolina – the place for body workers. With some trepidation, I arrived on the first day of class believing I was going to learn about curriculum design, lesson planning, teaching models and the multiple intelligences.

I did learn about those important teaching tools, but what really happened on that first day, and in every day that followed, was nothing short of profound. Yes, I learned about organizing a continuing education program, but what I didn’t expect, and what has stayed with me over all of these months, is the connection I formed with myself. With my body, my emotions, and my psyche.

The Body Therapy Institute taught me how to be in the world and live in my body. I learned to understand – to ‘feel’ – where I experience emotion in my body, and how to decipher what it is I am feeling. I learned how to be present in the world in a wholly authentic and vulnerable way, and I learned that it takes strength and courage to fully exist in this way. Finally, I learned about – or maybe I should say remembered – the importance of connecting with my community. During my time at the Body Therapy Institute, I came to the realization that I had largely disconnected myself from community following a painful life experience.

I wrote about all of this a little over a year ago when I opened the Waterbury Wellness Center – now Balance Massage Center. After experiencing a community of people who loved and accepted me for who I am – and who, through that love and acceptance, helped me to begin (again) to love and accept myself – I wanted to share that gift with my family, my friends, my clients, and with our beautiful Central Vermont community. And so, the seeds for Balance Massage Center and Balance Massage School of Vermont were sown.

My vision for Balance Massage (School and Center) has not changed. That vision was and still is to gather (and teach) a team of practitioners who can provide healing, connection, and community from a place of authenticity, love, and unconditional positive regard. And I am happy (and grateful and humbled) to say, we continue to move towards achieving that vision. A few weeks ago, I welcomed my second class of explorers to Balance Massage School of Vermont, and what an incredible treat that has turned out to be.

Their emotional depth, their intellectual aptitude, their courage, their warmth and care, all wrapped in a willingness to share their vulnerability – just floored me. In the safe container of our learning space, they shared themselves with me and with one another…their fears, their doubts, their hopes, their hearts. And I realized in that moment something I think I’ve always known, but never been able to put words to: the power of a “safe container.”

I’ve spoken at length about the power of touch – but as I think on it more, I wonder if the power of touch isn’t born and sustained by and in the sacred, almost secret quiet and holiness of the safe container. A place where we are able (finally) to unfold our arms, release our shame, speak what’s in our deepest hearts, and trust that those around us will see and accept us for the marvelous, beautiful, broken, healing, ever hopeful, and unique souls that we truly are.

On our first day of class, in the safe container of our classroom, we (all) experienced a connectedness to one another that was palpable. I could see myself in each one of them, and they in me. There was such a yearning for connection and community. And in a beautiful way that I am still trying to define, I came full circle. What I experienced at the Body Therapy Institute, and what I so deeply wanted to bring back to my family, friends, and community – here I was living and experiencing with this second class of students.

I’ll have more to say about this in the coming months, as well as about the importance – for all of us - of finding that safe container; that place where acceptance, love, authenticity, and vulnerability can be found and embraced; and where growth – or regrowth – into the person we always dreamed we could be can begin. I am so looking forward to the journey that lies ahead this year. To the growth of our community, to the connections we will form with one another and, soon, to the safe containers we will build and offer to our clients. Stay tuned.

With deep gratitude and humility...

BirdsSteph Haddox